2021 Bible Reading Plans: "The Year of the Old Testament"

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Did you know? It only takes 52 hours and 20 minutes — about 1 hour per week — to read the entire Old Testament (all 39 books) from cover to cover? 52 hours is actually LESS than the average American spends watching television each month!

At Trinity Wellsprings Church, 2021 will be the “Year of the Old Testament”. Download here the OT Bible Reading Plan.

The OT Bible Reading Plan: For five days/week, you’ll read approx. 3 chapters/day from either the Pentateuch, Historical Books, Wisdom Literature, or the Prophets. Plus, you’ll also read a Psalm or a chapter of Proverbs each day. By the end of the year, you will have read every OT book of the Bible once, the book of Proverbs twice, and Psalms 1-50 twice (you’ll read Psalm 51-150 just once). In addition, this OT reading schedule will loosely correspond to the TWC preaching schedule during the year.

Other Bible Reading Plans: There are lots of great plans to help you read the Bible in 2021. To see six different plans that I recommend, see this post.

Get a Plan, Develop a Habit: One of the best ways NOT to read the Bible is to never develop a systematic plan to read the Bible. Over the years, I’ve found that the seasons of life where I aimlessly think “I’m sure I’ll read some parts of the Bible” are precisely the seasons that I end up not reading much of the Bible. On the other hand, it’s the seasons of life where I’ve developed a plan — that I know what I’m reading each morning when I wake up — that end up the most fruitful for me.

So to develop a habit (like most other things in life), you need a plan. I pray that you develop the plan that is right for you this New Year!

Jason Carter