Ideas are Born Ugly

Over the years, the elders of Trinity Wellsprings Church have adopted several “Leadership Culture” principles to help our church flourish as an emotionally-healthy spiritually-vibrant church that seeks to honor Christ as the Head of the Church while serving together in unity as we pursue Christ’s mission together.

Leadership Culture Principle #4 is Ideas are Born Ugly which can also be accessed in a PDF.

Ideas are Born Ugly

“We’ve always done it this way.” In the church, those six words have torpedoed more fresh ideas, more unique innovations, and more new ways of doing things than perhaps any other six words in the English language. Imagine shutting down Johannes Gutenberg with those words in 1448. Or using those words with the headstrong Augustinian monk Martin Luther in 1517 while insisting that he delay posting his Ninety-Five Theses on the doors of Wittenberg Castle Church. Or telling the Jesus Movement in the 1970s that they must not deviate from traditional hymnals because the organ, rather than the guitar and drums, was still going to be the musical instrument of the future, because, after all, “we’ve always done it this way”.

Most church leaders want to think they are open to innovation. Most church leaders want to think that they are open to trying new strategies and brand-new ideas. As long as the simple biblical gospel remains unchanged, are we not receptive to pioneering new ways of reaching the lost and new avenues of organizing the church to deliver the timeless saving message of Jesus Christ to a fallen world? Yet, as Craig Hamilton in Wisdom in Leadership puts it, many leaders have experienced the difficulty of putting forth a new idea only to see it get ripped to shreds in a hot minute:

Immediately the rest of the group jumps on the idea and rips it apart. It won’t work. We’ve tried it before. It sounds risky. They bombard it with questions about specifics – how and when and for whom and how much – and then move on to more solid discussions that are less experimental. And everyone in the room has learned a valuable lesson: we don’t do the new here. So keep it to yourself….in the meeting, when the new is put before us, the immediate instinct is to bombard it into oblivion with questions.[1]

Is a new idea really that fragile that you can bombard it into oblivion with a few hard-hitting questions? In the context of the church, the simple answer seems to be a resounding “yes”. Why is that the case?

Hamilton marshals forth two ideas – the mere exposure principle and loss aversion – which, taken together, are responsible for killing an idea before it gets a chance to be properly born.

The Mere Exposure Principle

The mere exposure principle rests on the idea that “the more familiar a thing is to a person, the more they will prefer it. Merely being exposed to something makes us more positive towards it.”[2] Hamilton offers the following scenario:

Researchers once gathered a group of subjects and developed two different photos of those people’s faces; one photo showed what their faced looked like to everyone else in the world, and the other was the mirror image, the face that person saw in the mirror.

When asked which photo they preferred, as predicted by the mere exposure effect, the subjects preferred the photos that resembled their mirror images and their friends and loved ones preferred the photos that hadn’t been reversed. We like our mirror image face more than we like our real face because it’s the one we’ve seen most often.

What this means for new ideas is this: we will prefer the status quo not because it’s better or more helpful but merely because it’s familiar.[3]

Loss Aversion

The second principle that drastically affects our capacity to on-board new ideas is loss aversion: “Loss aversion means that people’s tendency to want to avoid loss is stronger than their desire to make gains.”[4]

By way of illustrating the loss aversion principle, imagine that “you are offered a gamble on the toss of a coin. If the coin shows tails, you lose $100. If the coin shows heads, you win $150. Is this gamble attractive? Would you accept it?”[5] Hamilton explains the dynamic:

Most people don’t like this bet and wouldn’t take it. To make the choice you need to weigh how you would feel about winning $150 against how you would feel if you lost $100. Overall the deal is positive, by which I mean there’s a good chance that you’ll win more money than you’ll lose. And yet still the gamble probably isn’t that attractive. For most people the fear of losing $100 is greater and more intense than the hope and possibility that you’ll win $150. Kahneman concludes that “losses loom larger than gains.” We want to not lose more than we want to win. This is loss aversion.

And so when we hear new ideas, no matter how good the idea is we’ll be thinking much more about what we’ll be losing if we implement it than about what we’ll be gaining. Even if we’ll gain more than we lose.[6]

Status Quo = Mere Exposure + Loss Aversion

Hamilton brilliantly explains how the mere exposure principle plus loss aversion typically results in a strong predisposition towards the status quo, also known by one of our favorite church axioms, “we’ve always done it this way”:

When you combine the mere exposure effect with loss aversion, the result is an incredibly strong bias towards the status quote. The status quo emits a powerful conserving force. The status quo is so familiar that we know exactly how it works – we know what isn’t good about it, what questions it raises, and what we’ll lose if we move away from it. If we think about moving away from the status quo and embracing a new idea we can almost touch and taste what we’ll lose. Gains from a new idea, on the other hand, are imaginary because they exist only in the future. We distrust the unfamiliar. New ideas aren’t as clear as old ideas. Lots of factors and outcomes are unknown.

And so we stick with what we know.

We like to think that we carefully weigh the merits of new ideas and judge them objectively and without bias. But the truth is that when it comes to assessing new ideas we’re deeply irrational.[7]

Protect the Ugly Baby

If a strong disposition towards the status quo exists within churches, based upon the mere exposure principle and loss aversion, how do new ideas begin to thrive that helps the church take its next flourishing step? First, leaders need to recognize that ideas are born ugly:

The fact that ideas are born ugly is hard to accept. We often have the notion that great ideas are birth fully formed, glittering in all their glory. But that kind of idea is extremely rare. Most ideas are born disproportionate and lanky. They aren’t fully formed and often they’re either missing key components or have too much of one thing over another. They need to grow and be refined….

When you drive a baby home from the hospital you don’t just throw him or her on the back seat of the car. You don’t even just put a seatbelt on them. No, you strap them into a giant reinforced capsule that is itself strapped and bolted into the car.

Why? Because they’re fragile and they need protection. New ideas are the same. They’re fragile and easily destroyed. They barely exist and can be eroded into nothing with only a few pointed questions or scathing comments….

You and your team, therefore, need to be patient with new ideas. Don’t overwhelm them with questions. Delay judgment. Allow the idea time to percolate in your mind and in the minds of your team members. Don’t criticize it too early….

When people begin criticizing the idea or asking too many detail-oriented questions, you need to be the one to jump in to protect the idea – even if you’re not yet convinced that the idea is a good one. It’s your responsibility to protect new ideas and allow them the space they need to grow and develop. This doesn’t mean you need to approve and implement every idea….It means you lead the way in asking questions that foster rather than hinder the idea’s development.[8]

Hamilton insists that the initial questions of a new idea need to steer clear of the details of its implementation. Instead, be curious about novel and unique ideas with questions like:

1.     Can you tell me some more about where this idea came from?

2.     What problem is currently being overlooked that you think this new idea will solve for us?

3.     How is this idea different from [this other thing that is similar that we already do]?

4.     What do you think are the next steps for exploring and developing this idea?[9]

New Ideas Need Protective Friends

Knowing that “the system is geared to favour the incumbent” means that leaders recognize that ideas are born ugly.[10] The second practice that leaders need to implement towards overcoming the irrational bias towards the status quo is to recognize that new ideas need protective friends. Good leaders protect new ideas from withering attacks:

Like any newborn, new ideas are fragile and new protection. Holding a newborn baby is risky business. You need to get yourself ready, sit down in the chair, make sure you’re stable. Carefully place your arms in the baby-holding position in anticipation of the transfer. Be careful to support the neck.[11]

You must protect the ugly baby from the inevitable all-out assault simply because it’s a new idea.

In the animated movie Ratatouille, the nemesis of the hero is the food critic Anton Ego. Towards the end of the movie, the nemesis of the story has an awakening. His awakening has to do with how easy it is to be a professional critic. (Church: are you paying attention?!) It is safer to be a critic. It is safer to promote the status quo. It is safer to repeat the church mantras: this is the way it’s always been done. This is the way things are around here. Anton Ego recognizes that while it is safer, easier, and more customary to be a critic, his transformation and awakening occurs when he finally comprehends – in a published review of the hero’s new recipe – how beautiful and arresting and transformative new ideas can be:

In many ways, the work of the critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends.[12]

There you have it via the insights of Pixar! Ideas are born ugly. Will you be a leader who is, at least initially, a protective friend of new ideas? You might just end up helping your church take its next flourishing step.



[1] Craig Hamilton, Wisdom in Leadership: The How and the Why of Leading the People You Serve, pp. 197, italics added.

[2] Ibid., 198.

[3] Ibid., 198.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Daniel Dakhneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, pp. 283, as cited by Hamilton, pp. 198-99.

[6] Craig Hamilton, Wisdom in Leadership, pp. 199.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid, 200-1.

[9] Ibid, 201.

[10] Ibid, 202.

[11] Ibid, 200.

[12] As cited by Hamilton, 202.

Jason Carter
5 in 2025 Challenge

Participate in spiritual growth, renewal, and healthy practices with Trinity Wellsprings Church in 2025.

Download the “5 in 2025 Challenge” today!

Challenge #1: BIBLE


Order a “One Year ESV Bible”, ($15 on Amazon) which has daily readings on each day of the year. You’ll read Old Testament, New Testament, and a very short snippet from the Psalms and Proverbs each day.

Challenge #2: PRAYER


Do a few of the following:

1) Spend 10 Minutes praying each morning.

2) Stay for prayer after Sunday service.

3) Join Wednesday noon prayer gatherings in the Oasis Building on campus.

4) Read a book on prayer in 2025.

Recommended Books on Prayer:

1) I often use a prayer book to jump-start my prayers in the morning. I highly recommend “The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions” ($15).

2) A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World ($11) by Paul E. Miller is fabulous. Our church did a church-wide study on this book a few years ago.

3) The PAPA Prayer: The Prayer You’ve Never Prayed ($11) by Larry Crabb is a highly conversation approach to prayer that I find valuable.

Challenge #3: DEVOTIONAL


A wonderful component of the ONE YEAR ESV BIBLE, is the BOLDED VERSES that are provided with each daily reading. Therefore, I recommend:

  • (1) Pick out 2-3 verses from your Bible daily reading (the bolded verses work nicely). (2) Ponder these verses with the Lord during the day. (3) Start a conversation over dinner about those verses.

Four Recommended DEVOTIONALS:

1) Top Recommendation - Tim Keller’s daily devotionals in Proverbs + Proverbs:

2) New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp ($12)

3) Daily Doctrine: A One-Year Guide to Systematic Theology by Kevin DeYoung ($19) | Learn important systematic theology topics each day (260 topics | Monday - Friday).

Challenge #4: FAST


OPTION #1 - 21 DAY DIGITAL DETOX (January 5 - 21, 2025)

  1. Choose four nights/week (at least) where you will refrain from watching ANY DIGITAL SCREENS (TV/MOVIES/NETFLIX) at NIGHT during the digital detox.

  2. Commit to “Jesus before screens” - turning to prayer, bible, and devotional readings before you look at a single digital screen in the morning.

  3. Delete all social media apps on your phone (facebook, instagram, twitter).

  4. Delete the YOUTUBE app + any GAMES + any other timewaster from your phone.

  5. Commit to using your phone for mainly (only?) phone calls and text messages for 21 days.

OPTION #2: Do a 1-Day or 2-Day or 3-Day Fast

FAST: Drink only water or juice for a specific period of time to seek God and pray specifically for the body of Christ at Trinity Wellsprings Church:

  • One Day Fast: Begin the fast on Sunday morning Jan. 26.

  • Two Day Fast: Begin the fast on Saturday morning Jan 25.

  • Three Day Fast: Begin the fast on Friday morning Jan. 24.

  • Break the fast with a meal (5:00 pm) and worship @ 6:00 pm at Trinity on Sunday Jan. 26.

Worship Night - January 26th: Everyone in the church family is invited to the dinner (5:00 pm) and Worship Night (6:00 pm) on January 26th — whether you did a “Digital Detox” or a “Regular Fast” or simply PRAYED for Trinity during the month of January!

Challenge #5: RELATIONSHIP


Invest in your stage of life - OR -

Strengthen your marriage by a once-a-month date night and/or by reading a book on marriage together - OR -

Practice family devotions around the dinner table



Trinity has given you some life-transforming practices for 2025 that do not require picking up a book (other than the Bible): The 21-Day Digital Detox + Put First Five Dates (Jan - May) on your calendar for Married Couples + Connect Scriptures to Your Life by Pondering a Few Verses during the Day and Talking about them at the Dinner Table + Regular Fast. These are all practices which have the capacity to transform your life in amazing ways!

The 2025 READING CHALLENGE is to finish four different types of books:


2) Read a Book on Prayer in 2025.

3) Read a Devotional Book in 2025.

4) Read a Stage of Life Book (Single | Aging | Marriage | Children’s Devotional)

Jason Carter
Life Together: The Surprising Connection Between Community and Solitude

Download the blog in a PDF file here.

Many people seek fellowship because they are afraid to be alone. Because they cannot stand loneliness, they are driven to seek the company of other people. There are Christians, too, who cannot endure being alone, who have had some bad experiences with themselves, who hope they will gain some help in association with others. They are generally disappointed. Then they blame the fellowship for what is really their own fault.

The Christian community is not a spiritual sanatorium. The person who comes into a fellowship because he is running away from himself is misusing it for the sake of diversion, no matter how spiritual this diversion may appear. He is really not seeking community at all, but only distraction which will allow him to forget his loneliness for a brief time…” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

 A surprising yet intimate connection exists between community and solitude.

Initially, you might think that “being in relationship” and “being alone” are as far apart as the east is from the west. Not so. They are intimately related.

The rich relational life of a Christian community depends on the solitary “time alone” that the believers spend with God. From solitude and silence, the believer emerges “ready” for Christian community: not demanding of the community but serving it; not asking the community to meet all his needs and complaining when it doesn’t happen. Instead, from the solitude of time alone with God, the believer comes to the community not with a demanding neediness (which can only destroy community) but with an awareness, born out of solitude, that her needs are first and foremost met in Jesus Christ.

Bonhoeffer issues a stark warning: “Let him who cannot be alone beware of community. He will only do harm to himself and to the community. Alone you stood before God when he called you; alone you had to answer that call; alone you had to struggle and pray; and alone you will die and give an account to God. You cannot escape from yourself; for God has singled you out. If you refuse to be alone you are rejecting Christ’s call to you, and you can have no part in the community of those who are called” (pp. 77).

As a pastor, I often wonder how many problems “of the community” truly masquerade as personal problems of believers who fail to heed the example of Jesus who rose “very early in the morning, while it was still dark…went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed” (Mark 1:35). Have we learned how to go to the “desolate place” where we are alone with our thoughts, alone with our prayers, alone with our sins, alone with our problems before the face of God? Instead, we jump into the life of the community hastily with unresolved thoughts, burdensome sins, and inescapable problems.

Do we seek community because we are afraid of spending time in solitude and silence before God? Do we speak more than we are silent? Do I crave community because I dare not spend an hour in solitude with God? Am I asking of the community what I should really be asking of God in solitude alone? The temptation to seek in community what must be sought in God in solitude and silence is real.

Often, when community is sought but solitude with God is ignored, we come into the fellowship either as desperately needy and clingy (the recipe for co-dependency) or seeking to control others (the symptoms of power and control issues) rather than fostering a genuine connection in Jesus Christ.

Yet, Bonhoeffer notes that the opposite is also true: “Let him who is not in community beware of being alone. Into the community you were called, the call was not meant for you alone; in the community of the called you bear your cross, you struggle, you pray. You are not alone, even in death, and on the Last Day you will be only one member of the great congregation of Jesus Christ. If you scorn the fellowship of the brethren, you reject the call of Jesus Christ, and thus your solitude can only be hurtful to you” (pp. 77).

The surprising intersection of community and solitude exists in a rich interconnected relationship: “Only in the fellowship do we learn to be rightly alone and only in aloneness do we learn to live rightly in the fellowship….One who wants fellowship without solitude plunges into a world void of words and feelings, and one who seeks solitude without fellowship perishes in the abyss of vanity, self-infatuation, and despair” (pp. 77-8).

The peril of community without solitude is the temptation of meaningless words, activities, and church programs without meaningful transformation of your inner being. The peril of solitude without community is the temptation to succumb to the disease of introspection or a hyper self-focus without the opportunity to hear an external voice to either encourage or admonish your inner musings and self-occupied thoughts.

As Bonhoeffers warns, “Let him who cannot be alone beware of community. Let him who is not in community beware of being alone” (pp. 78).

I saw these truths born out in my own life, even during my college years. Every Sunday night for a season, I walked the campus of Baylor University with a friend late at night. We encouraged one another, admonished one another, held one another accountable, and generally sharpened one another in Christ. Yet, I also noticed a reality: the weeks where I had enjoyed a robust devotional life in solitude with God – our conversations were richer, our shared spiritual life was more enjoyable, and our growth together in Christ was evident. The opposite was also true. The weeks where I had been lax with my solitude alone with God, our conversations were flatter and the spiritual dynamic between us not as warm.

The richness of my time alone with God was directly tied to the richness of the fellowship in community that we experienced together. It was true almost every time.

Some weeks, I brought a rich spiritual life in God to bear upon our relationship as brothers in Christ. It was during those times that wisdom increased in my life, spiritual passion was unleashed in healthy ways, and sin decreased because God was increasing in my life (much like John the Baptist’s relationship with Jesus). Our fellowship sharpened me in ways that far surpassed what I could have done alone. Participating in a Christ-centered friendship, my growth in Christ was evident in ways that would have been impossible alone.

What does this mean for the church? Three thoughts:

(1)   Our fellowship in community can be enriched by your commitment to the practice of solitude and silence with God. Your devotional life is not for yourself alone. Your spiritual seeking after God has the potential to enrich our life together and make healthy our community of faith.

(2)   The failure to engage in an enriching life of solitude brings an avalanche of problems into the community of faith. In reality, some problems “of the community” are only masquerading as the personal problems of believers which might have been better dealt with in solitude: personal repentance of sin and the myriad of insecurities, doubts, and frustrations which often come out (or are dumped out) upon the community in unhealthy ways.

(3)   Double down on the practice of spending solitude with God while doubling down on the practice of being in community. You need both in the spiritual life to follow Jesus. Bonhoeffer encourages you in these practices: “After a time of quiet we meet others in a different and a fresh way,” namely, in a way that refreshes your heart and soul in Jesus Christ (pp. 80).

Bonhoeffer’s Life Together is classic treatment on Christian community. We would be wise to heed his words: “Only in the fellowship do we learn to be rightly alone and only in aloneness do we learn to live rightly in the fellowship” (pp. 77-8).


               The next Space Coast Fellows Book Club is Sunday afternoon October 20, 2024 (2:00 - 4:00 Oasis Room) – The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Jason Carter
Theological Briefing: 10 Short Questions & Answers

Recently, one of our church’s Life Groups sent me a barrage of theological questions. These were the (slightly edited) questions and answers touching on a host of various topics. Enjoy!

1. What is Reformed Theology?  

Reformed Theology simply means the theology stemming from the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century and beyond.  In Presbyterian circles, Reformed theology is often associated with the name of John Calvin.

The best succinct expression of Reformed theology in its historical context is to acknowledge the “five solas” of the Reformation [solas = Latin for “alone]. Salvation is by grace alone (sola gratia) through faith alone (sola fide) based on the finished work of Christ alone (solus Cristus) as revealed by Scripture alone (sola Scriptura) to the glory of God alone (soli Deo gloria).

2.  The five points of Reformed view of salvation (The 5 Points of Calvinism) have historically been summarized by TULIP: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints. What’s the difference between a 3-point, 4-point, or 5-point Calvinist?

Historically, many good Presbyterians would say: “There’s no such thing as a 3-point Calvinist!” That’s a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it gets at the point that the whole interconnected theology of salvation expressed in election/sin/cross/grace/glorification are intimately and organically connected to one another. In addition, we are living in super-duper Arminian times such that people are automatically programmed to believe by our culture that “I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul”. That sounds well and good…but does it make for good biblical doctrine?

Reformed theology politely pushes back: “That’s a great classic line of poetry, but it makes for terrible theology.” The Bible is our baseline.  

In my experience, most Presbyterians do not have any real issues with Total Depravity. The Bible calls us all “slaves of sin” (Rom 6:20) based on the truth that “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one” (Rom 3:10-12). Our Savior indicates that the entirety of our flesh is enslaved to sin (John 8:34). The effects of sin is total – affecting every faculty of the human – the heart, the soul, the mind, the emotions, and the will.

Most Presbyterians celebrate the truth of Irresistible Grace. Jesus says:  For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whom he will” (John 5:21). That’s grace. Jesus says: “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out” (John 6:37). That’s grace. Jesus says: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day” (John 6:44). That’s grace. The apostle Paul writes: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast (Eph. 2:8-9). The Father draws to the Son by the Spirit of God anyone who is given the gift of God’s irresistible grace. The Holy Spirit regenerates anyone whom the Father choose to save, enabling them to believe in Christ for salvation.

Perseverance of the Saints is a comforting doctrine that communicates God will bring you to your eternal home. Paul communicated the truth like this: “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil 1:6). The so-called “Golden Chain of Salvation” in Rom. 8:29-30 assures us that there is an intimate link between the beginning and the end of our salvation because God is the author of salvation from first to last: “For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified” (Rom. 8:29-30).

Yet, in the modern era, two points of TULIP have become contested in the uber-Arminian age that that live in: Unconditional Election and Limited Atonement.

For Unconditional Election, see my blog post on election and the sermon entitled “The Father’s Purposed” based on Ephesians 1:4-6.

Instead of “Limited Atonement”, most Reformed theologians prefer the moniker Particular Atonement. This brief 500-word essay on Particular Atonement by Kevin DeYoung provides a helpful overview of the doctrine from the classic Reformed understanding.

Another helpful resource which provides helpful definitions (of both Reformed and Arminian positions) and a plethora of scriptures is entitled “T.U.L.I.P., The Canons of Dort”.

3. Can you join Trinity Wellsprings Church as a Covenant Partner and be less than a 5-point Calvinist?

Of course! Becoming a Covenant Partner at Trinity is solely tied to confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are a Christ-centered church, Gospel-saturated church that likes to keep “the main thing, the main thing” – Jesus lived the life I could never live and he died the death that I deserved.

4. What is the role of free will in the salvation of a person?

First, read the sermon on election exegeting Ephesians 1:4-6 entitled “The Father’s Purpose.”

Second, in summary: You are free to sin but you are not free to “choose God” salvifically out of your own free will.  Why? Because you were dead in your sins and trespasses (Eph. 2:1: “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins”). How can a dead man choose life?

God, not your free will, made you alive: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved, and raised us up with him and seated us with him the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:4-6).

You no can no more choose God in the deadness of your sin than you can resurrect your own body at the end of your life after death.

All of our human faculties were affected by original sin and the Fall in Genesis 3. Humans are fallen in body, mind, spirit, heart, emotions, affections, desires, and yes, even “the will” – that from which you choose – was also affected by the Fall. In his little book entitled The Bondage of the Will, Martin Luther convincingly argued that even the will is “bound” by the Fall and unable to choose God. I highly recommend it!

5. Why do we baptize babies, who are too young to understand Jesus?

Short answer: because Presbyterians believe in Covenantal theology.

Short answer: it’s a beautiful portrait of the gospel of grace.

For the best long answer essay, see Dr. Gregg Strawbridge’s article entitled Infant Baptism: Does the Bible Teach It?

6. The practice of baptizing infants…does it lead to a sense of false belief that someone is “saved” when they have not actually professed Christ or accepted God’s free gift of grace?

No.  Because in healthy churches that teach the doctrine with clarity, neither the church nor the parents let the children assume that they are “saved” because of their baptism but faithfully raise them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord so that one day they will confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior thereby confirming their baptism.

7.  Can I lose my salvation?

No. Paul Washer once said that if anyone could lose their salvation, everyone would lose their salvation. God will always bring you home in glory.

The saints – chosen by God and sustained by God – are always brought home by God. The Golden Chain of salvation (Rom. 8:29-30) is unbreakable. God holds tightly on to you unto eternity, bringing you to your final glorification.

8. Is there a good teaching on egalitarian ministry from a biblical perspective, the doctrine that holds that both men and women can serve in ministry as elders/pastors?

I’ve preached “Is Christianity Anti-Women” in the sermon series “This Skeptical Age: Addressing the Objections, Doubts, and the Hard Questions of God in an Increasingly Disillusioned Age” which addresses the broader issue of women and their roles in the Bible. In this (second Sunday) sermon series, we are tackling some of the serious intellectual questions of our era, often as raised by the so-called New Atheists.

9. What is happening to the mainline Presbyterian denomination that Trinity Wellsprings Church left in 2012?

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has been experiencing a precipitous decline in church membership: between 2000 and 2015, it lost over 40% of its congregational membership and 15.4% of its churches.  

Theologically, you be the judge with this recent prayer to “The God of the Pronouns” from a PCUSA pulpit in Iowa. Yes, Iowa!

10. Does Trinity believe the scriptures are the authoritative, inspired, and infallible Word of God?

Yes, that’s exactly what Trinity Wellsprings Church believes as well as our denomination ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.

See my blog post entitled The Word of God – S.C.A.N. where I briefly describe and summarize the Sufficiency, Clarity, Authority, and Necessity of the Word of God.  

With respect to the Word of God, ECO’s Essential Tenets of Faith declares:

We glorify God by recognizing and receiving His authoritative self- revelation, both in the infallible Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and also in the incarnation of God the Son. We affirm that the same Holy Spirit who overshadowed the virgin Mary also inspired the writing and preservation of the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit testifies to the authority of God’s Word and illumines our hearts and minds so that we might receive both the Scriptures and Christ Himself aright. 

We confess that God alone is Lord of the conscience, but this freedom is for the purpose of allowing us to be subject always and primarily to God’s Word. The Spirit will never prompt our conscience to conclusions that are at odds with the Scriptures that He has inspired. The revelation of the incarnate Word does not minimize, qualify, or set aside the authority of the written Word. We are happy to confess ourselves captive to the Word of God, not just individually, but also as members of a community of faith, extending through time and around the globe.

Happy reading! That should keep you busy as a theological bee can be!

Jason Carter
The Story Behind All Other Stories

The Shawshank Redemption: Andy Dufresne emerges as a victorious Christ figure from the sludge and muck of the sewage pipe.

The Good News of Jesus is (often) the story behind all other great stories: 

  • When tragedy turns to triumph.

  • When sacrifice releases unimaginable joy.

  • When absolute weakness becomes immeasurable strength.

  • When darkness and defeat become the new dawn of victory.

When you think all hope is lost; when disciples are huddled together in fear; when victory emerges out of nowhere and from the most unlikely source, namely, the scourge of the cross – that’s when you know you are hearing about or living in the great rescue story of Jesus!

  • You see the story of Jesus in The Beauty and the Beast, especially in the beauty who gives up all of her happiness to throw herself in the arms of the beast. She was a princess after all – having a heavenly time! Yet, because of her unimaginable sacrifice, she shows us what true love looks like and sets free the man bound in his nature as a beast.

  • You see it in Frodo in The Lord of the Ringsthe small, humble hobbit who journeys into the heart of Evil Morder, destroys the ring, and frees middle earth from darkness and death. That’s the story of Jesus told, by J.R.R. Tolkien, in a thousand different ways!

  • You see it in my favorite movie, The Shawshank Redemption. When author Stephen King – this author of horror – finally decides to write a beautiful story, he has to look to the story of Jesus! When Andy Dufresne emerges from the sludge, muck, and refuse of the sewage pipe into freedom, he emerges victorious as a Christ figure in the story!

Screen writers know it. Novelists know it. Fairytales know it. The good news of Jesus is (often) the story behind all other great stories.

Yet, what if the great story of Jesus also has a great story underneath his life and ministry?  What if Michael Morales’ declaration, “The central theme and story of the Bible – and of history itself – is the exodus” is true even for the life and ministry of Jesus?

Put differently, Northrop Frye (literary critic) once wryly remarked that the exodus “is the only thing that ever happens” in the Bible. What if that sentiment is true for Jesus? What if Jesus lived an exodus-shaped life?

Alistair Roberts argues precisely for understanding the metanarrative of the exodus as underlying the entire framework of Jesus’ life and ministry. In other words, without understanding the exodus, one cannot fully appreciate the meaning of the life, ministry, and death of Jesus. As Roberts argues, “The life of Jesus is an exodus, hidden in plain sight”.

The gospel writer Luke makes this plain for all readers who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Listen to how Luke describes the Transfiguration:

And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure [exodos in the Greek] which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. ~ Luke 9:30-31

Jesus is about to accomplish an exodos in Jerusalem! Redemption from slavery. Freedom from tyranny. The people of God will know the name of God (Abba Father!), experience the glory of God (in Jesus the Messiah!), and encounter the presence of God (this time through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit not only through the external pillar of cloud and fire). This second exodus will be a powerful divine miracle of grace which will be poured out through the life of Jesus for all the nations which echoes the original exodus event.

Or, take a microscope and look at one singular aspect of Jesus’ life and ministry: the wilderness temptation. You quickly begin to recognize that Jesus lived an exodus-shaped life.

First, Jesus goes through the waters of baptism (Mt. 3:13-17) which echoes Israel’s own passing through the waters of the Red Sea in Exodus 14:21-22. (In the OT, Israel is also referred to as God’s son, Ex. 4:22; Hosea 11:1.)

Second, Jesus has a lengthy period of wandering and testing in the desert (40 days this time, Mt. 4:1-2) where he is called to resist evil while standing on the Word of God and his promises.

Third, the specific temptations that Jesus faces in the desert echo the same temptations that completely unraveled Israel in its temptation in the wilderness.

  • A. Remember there was grumbling about the lack of food in the wilderness? Israel was saying, “Would that we had died…in the land of Egypt...when we ate bread to the full,” (Ex 16:3). Yet, Jesus replied in his temptation, Man shall not live on bread alone” (Mt. 4:4)

  • B. Remember, there was a testing of God by the people when they demanded a miracle? Israel wanted water in the desert; therefore, Moses rebuked the people: Why do you test the Lord”? (Ex. 17:2). Yet, Jesus replies in his wilderness temptation: “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.” (Mt. 4:7)

  • C. Remember, there was a bowing down to false gods? Israel prostrated itself before the Golden Calf in Exodus 32 with the people saying, These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt?” Yet Jesus would not bow the knee to Satan. Satan shows him all the kingdoms of the world to tempt Jesus: “All you have to do is fall down and worship me”.  Yet, Jesus says: “Be gone, Satan!...You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve” (Mt. 4:10).

Where Israel fails, Jesus succeeds.

Jesus is obedient. He is the faithful and true Israelite who is able to accomplish the exodos in Jerusalem by his sacrificial death on a cross: “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” (Jn. 1:29).

Jesus lived an exodus-shaped life, enjoyed an exodus-shaped ministry, and accomplished an exodus-shaped death on the cross for our salvation.

“The life of Jesus is an exodus, hidden in plain sight” (Roberts).

If Jesus is the story behind all other great stories…the Exodus is the story behind the great story of Jesus.

Jason Carter
God & Politics: Pastoral Q & A

Q: Do you think that there is a danger in politics wagging the tail of faith, or politics wagging the tail of Jesus, or politics wagging the tail of the church?

A: Yes. Succinctly put, the danger is this: If you don’t recognize the idolatry and messianic character of contemporary American politics, you might be prone to be placed in the spin cycle of the idolatry of American partisanship. See my blog post: The Messianic Character of Contemporary American Politics: The Rise as Politics as Religion (Rev. Dr. Jason Carter, Sept. 25, 2020, Gospel-Centered Shepherding Blog).

Q: How does a pastor decide when and how to engage with cultural issues?

A: I’ve written about precisely this question in an article for Reformation 21: When To Speak Out? A Pastor’s Engagement with Current Issues (Aug 26, 2019, Reformation 21). A pastor is not primarily called to be a political pundit. With wise discernment, a pastor can offer a prophetic voice and critique of our times. Yet, at the end of the day, a pastor is not primarily called to be a cultural critic with respect to every issue under the sun nor are most pastors equipped vocationally to do so. There is a wise and judicious amount of humility involved in the statement: I am primarily a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Q:  Are there examples of you speaking out on cultural issues?

A:  I have preached on “This Cultural Moment” in the context of a six-week sermon series on sexuality and gender wherein the sermon also touched on racism, abortion, and hospitality to the poor and marginalized (see:

     Check out the 5-week Sunday school study entitled God’s Design, Our Bodies, and this Cultural Moment” which interacted with Carl Truman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self. I’ve blogged about racism several times after national controversies including “On Race and the Gospel: Pastoral Reflections” after Charlottesville in 2017 and shared 10 Resources on Racism and Racial Reconciliation” in 2020.

Q: Has there been a fracturing of the Reformed evangelical world with regards to sexuality, gender, race, and politics?

A: No doubt. My friend Kevin DeYoung offers this very helpful taxonomy: “Why Reformed Evangelicalism Has Splintered: Four Approaches to Race, Politics, and Gender” (March 9, 2021, The Gospel Coalition).

Q: What has been Trinity’s stance on politics over the years? 

A: Our church has been guided by a policy developed over two decades ago. Years ago, after receiving multiple requests to distribute material that critique political candidates, the Session dedicated time to Bible study, prayer, and dialogue. The Session concluded that participating in such political advocacy could distract from the preaching of the Gospel and create needless conflict for the body of Christ since sincere Christ-followers often reach differing conclusions on political issues.

Q: Does that mean that our church is apathetic during election season?

A: Not at all. Instead, we encourage our Covenant Partners to be well-informed, prayerful, and exercise their civic duty and privilege of voting based on a prayerful and biblically informed worldview. Yet, the leadership of our church does not presume to instruct Christians as to their political ideology, and neither will we allow outsiders to use the congregation to advance their ambitions.

The Bible provides sufficient principles as to how Christians should behave in the political realm. 1 Timothy 2:2 instructs us to pray for our civic leaders, regardless of our feelings towards them. 1 Peter 2:17 reminds us to “show proper respect to everyone”. Paul writes to Titus: “remind the people…to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all people” (Titus 3:2). This is wise counsel from the Bible.

It’s not that Christians should never talk about controversial issues or the upcoming elections. We realize that is an impossibility. Yet, Romans 12:10 counsels us to outdo one another in showing honor”. Therefore, whenever we discuss politics, Trinity’s leadership encourages you to do so with an attitude of deep humility and mutual respect, remembering that we are primarily united in the Lord Jesus Christ.

My hope is that our congregation is full of Christians seeking to be peacemakers with a view towards preserving “the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3). One of the best gifts we can give our nation is to model how strong Christian communities of diverse people can be united in the saving faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jason Carter