God's Design for Marriage

Guest Post: Rev. Kristian & Lydia Eikevik

Hey church, how are we doing with marriage? The Bible speaks from its first pages of a spiritual institution between man and woman, a sovereign calling and place of worship. It’s fallen into some disrepair since we got kicked out of the Garden, but it’s made holy again by the blood of Jesus. And the Spirit longs to breathe life into it. For better and worse, the church always cooks in the pot of culture— and that culture disciples us every day. But praise God, for the Scriptures that don't change and a King who wants to bring us back to Himself in repentance and reverence. Check out the fuller sermon notes below and do a heart check. Does our marital life line up with our Sunday worship? What do the people around us see and hear? And how do we speak of it among ourselves and to the next generation?

Check out the Sermon Brief from “God’s Design for Marriage”.

Jason Carter