As the Psalmist put it,: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1)
A few snapshots of our church life are in order:
(1) Community Overflowing: Between our “Day of Service” (Feb. 24th) which culminated our Matthew 25 Challenge and our recent hosting of Family Promise of Brevard, a saint of our church came up to me and said: “It really feels like we are being a ‘Community Overflowing’ these days!” I simply pass that encouragement onto the body of Christ – you have overflowed in life-giving ways into our community. Thanks for wearing your heart on your sleeve and bringing Jesus wherever you go!
(2) Last Fiscal Quarter: The income from our last fiscal quarter (Jan-March) represented our largest non-December quarter of giving since 2015. You are responding in sacrificial ways to the call of God on your lives. Again, thank you for giving all of YOU – your talents, time, and treasures to making LIFE and LOVE happen on campus and in our community and world through the efforts of Trinity Wellsprings Church. I know the Finance Team wants to whisper in our ears: “let’s hope this upward trend continues!”, but I think it’s valuable to pause and celebrate the small victories along the way in our journey together.
(3) We asked; you responded. Thanks for showing up in a big way for Easter. Several of you, after attending the sunrise Easter service, came back on campus to greet and be a welcoming face to our visitors. Thanks for going the extra mile. I personally saw the difference that made in our congregational singing and in our hospitality to new folks. Again, thank you for being the body of Christ!
(4) Jim Hollis, our resident TWC statistician (and sage), recently wrote: “What a GREAT EASTER! We had a record 1417 at the Sunrise Service. We had 526 at the 9 and 11 Services. The total at these 3 services was 1943 which is a record.” Amen. It was a great Easter for our church family and for our community! Yet, forget for a second that 1400+ people came to the beach and remember for a moment that what we are about -- pointing people to Jesus and sowing seeds for the gospel -- is incredibly difficult to categorize or numeritize. It's incredibly difficult to ever know whether our love and service challenges/encourages a man to love his wife more engagingly or comforts a widow grieving the death of a long-time husband or plants small seeds in the lives of students or children to begin to embrace a more robust faith. Who knows whether encouraging someone to join a Life Group leads a person to say, “who knows, I’ll just give it a try” which leads to significant life transformation years later.
All in all, we want to be a church that celebrates the small victories along this long path of discipleship. (Isn’t that a good idea for the Christian life as well? We often need our spiritual eyes and ears to recognize God’s presence and blessings in our lives, as we often are rather quick to recognize life’s challenges but slow to thank God for his blessings.)
So, church: Be grateful. Be thankful. Celebrate the good times. If we don’t celebrate the small victories in the life of faith, we’ll be prone to miss the faithfulness of God! I’m certain there will be challenges ahead, times that will challenge us to band together in ways that stretch our capacity to believe, to act, and to respond in faith. Yet, the good news is that we always can rest in the faithfulness of God. Why? “…for he is good. His love endures forever.” Woo-hoo!
Be encouraged,
Rev. Dr. Jason Carter
Senior Pastor/Head of Staff